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Anydesk Com Download Free

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AnyDesk is a remote desktop application that helps users have access to computers running the host application, independent of their platform. It has numerous features available designed to make users have a great experience using it such as VPN functionality and remote control. AnyDesk has been praised for its video quality and voice communication system. Users have also found the quality of connection to be high.

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  2. Anydesk Com Download Free Youtube Downloader

Some users have found that the application suffers when the Internet connection is not very good, causing it to lag. Although AnyDesk does not have security features installed, users have not been positive about them, saying that the application may not be very secure.

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Features of AnyDesk

Opcional offers may be offered to download file and durring the installation process. Any optional software may be easily uninstalled, learn more. Contact AnyDesk for support directly at their website.

  1. AnyDesk Free 6.1 Deutsch: Mit dem Remote-Desktop-Tool AnyDesk geben Sie Ihren Bildschirm frei oder steuern fremde Rechner.
  2. Connect to a computer remotely, be it from the other end of the office or halfway around the world. AnyDesk ensures secure and reliable remote desktop connections for IT professionals and on-the-go individuals alike.
  3. Download AnyDesk. AnyDesk is a fast remote desktop system and enables users to access their data, images, videos and applications from anywhere and at any time, and also to share it with others.
  4. AnyDesk Free Download - Access all your programs, documents, and files from anywhere without using a cloud service.

These are some of the features of AnyDesk that you would be pleased to know more about:

Low Latency

Even if the user is working on a remote desktop, they will get responses in an incredibly short amount of time. AnyDesk boasts a latency that cannot be easily perceived which lies in a low range.

Frame Rates

The 60 frames per second(fps) on most local networks will allow the user to have a wonderful visual experience when they are using this app.

Proper Use of Bandwidth

The application allows users to complete their work properly even when the bandwidths are very low. This is also an amazing application for places that do not boast a fast or strong Internet connection.

Great Technology

DeskRT is the base of AnyDesk and it does an amazing job in compressing and transferring image data between computers or laptops.

A Fast Start

It is very easy to install AnyDesk and most people will not have a problem going to the official website and downloading it to use themselves.

Erlang Network

Adobe acrobat reader dc version. The servers of AnyDesk make use of Erlang technology for communication. This is great because high availability and low latency can be expected.

Real-Time Collaboration

Users can converse and collaborate with whomever they wish with wherever they may be using AnyDesk. Adobe pro dc free. download full version. Being able to communicate in real-time like this will definitely be of great use to them.

Ability to work with data-intensive applications

AnyDesk will be able to work with data-intensive applications like video editors and Computer-aided design(CAD) due to its incredible bandwidth efficiency.

Encryption Technology

The encryption technology on AnyDesk will do a fine job protecting the user's system from intrusive outsiders who may be trying to hack their system or steal their sensitive data.

Strict Restrictions

Whitelisting is the practice in which users can grant access to entities or people that they trust. This can be done here with AnyDesk so that the user is aware of who gets access to their device. Unauthorized entities will not be able to connect with the user this way.

Ability to work from anywhere

Once users set their password, they will be able to use AnyDesk from any room they want with ease. They can use the application even if they are constantly on the move.

Multi-Platform Support

AnyDesk can be used on Linux, Windows, macOS, iOS, FreeBSD, or Android. Phone applications can be used without any additional charges.

Maximum Compatibility

One of the greatest things about AnyDesk is that it can run on older OS versions as well as the latest ones. Its exceptional compatibility will make it easy for all kinds of users to have a ball using it.


Since AnyDesk only takes 3MB space to be downloaded, the user does not have to waste any space unnecessarily to get it on their system.

International Keyboards

AnyDesk offers support for keyboards all over the world and users can enjoy it in more than 28 languages. It can be used by people from different corners of the world because of this.

File Transfer

The new transfer tab can be utilised to easily transfer files between computers or laptops.

Remote Printing

The user will not have to seek out the aid of complicated machines to do their printing as AnyDesk will help them do it quickly and conveniently.

Managing contacts

The user will be able to keep a good track of all their contacts using the Address Book that is available when they download AnyDesk.

Online Administration Panel

The user will be able to access licenses and settings with great ease. They will also have nice automated invoicing options and export options.

Session Reporting

The user will get highly accurate billing information with the ability to auto invoice using the REST API. They can also integrate with IT solutions like Remote Desktop Manager.


The user can have a logo and a personalized name of their own so that they can represent themselves in the authentic way that they want.


Users have the fantastic option of being able to reboot their system during a session which will definitely prove useful to them.

Downloading AnyDesk

These are the steps that the user has to follow if they want to download AnyDesk and use it:

  • The user should visit the AnyDesk website so that they can download it.
  • They must install AnyDesk on their system.
  • They have to go to their Security Settings and make the required adjustments there so that they will be able to have unattended access.
  • The user should use their license key which they can obtain from the AnyDesk website.
  • AnyDesk can be used and enjoyed once all the previous steps have been properly completed.

We hope you try out AnyDesk for yourself to see if you like it if you have not already done so. You can also share the knowledge you have about this application with people you know so they can try it out too. Please feel free to reach out to us below if you have anything that you would like to discuss the article.

Krijg AnyDesk voor Windows

Geen e-mail, registratie of installatie vereist!

  • Verbind de desktop omgeving van individuele Windows klanten de apparaten en servers via toegang op afstand.
  • Activeer met afstandsbediening directe ondersteuning en live administratie voor alle aangesloten Windows apparaten.
  • Maak gebruik van een vlotte desktop verbinding op afstand in Windows dankzij AnyDesk's adembenemende framesnelheid, bandbreedte efficiëntie en onmerkbare latentie.
  • Werk eenvoudig samen in team en communiceer online met behulp van externe toegang voor Windows desktops.

Externe toegang tot Windows 10: beheer al uw Windows desktops tegelijkertijd met AnyDesk.

AnyDesk geeft u de mogelijkheid om remote desktop- verbindingen tot stand te brengen in Windows 10 en biedt u ongekende mogelijkheden om online samen te werken en uw IT-netwerk te beheren. Met AnyDesk kunt u overal op afstand werken!

Dynamische prestaties voor een vlotte toegang tot Windows op afstand

Met AnyDesk's soepele werking, kunt u naadloze externe desktop verbindingen in Windows tot stand brengen en een overweldigende service op afstand aan uw klanten bieden. Webconferenties en bestanden delen is nog nooit zo makkelijk geweest. Het incorporeren van uw externe desktopsoftware in uw eigen merk en logo benadrukt effectief uw bedrijfsidentiteit en het zorgt ervoor dat uw app voor externe toegang nog betrouwbaarder overkomt bij uw partners.

Ga professionele uitdagingen aan met de flexibele remote desktop-oplossingen voor Windows

Download het kleine AnyDesk bestand van 3 MB en maak onderweg uw dringende opdrachten af met de gebruiksvriendelijke interface van AnyDesk. AnyDesk is niet alleen verenigbaar met Windows 10, maar ook met vele andere besturingssystemen en hun verscheidene versies. met inbegrip van iOS, macOS, Linux en Android. Wat nog mooier is: AnyDesk vergemakkelijkt het van op afstand beheren van uw desktop contacten en verbindingen en ook uw toevoegingen aan uw instellingen en configuraties in Windows, zodat u uw volledige aandacht kunt vestigen op uw projecten.

Complete beveiliging voor uw Windows remote desktop verbindingen

AnyDesk grondige TLS 1.2-coderingstechnologie en onophoudelijke verificatie van verbindingen zorgen voor een waarborg van volledige privacy en bescherming van uw gegevens. Alleen bevoegde bureaus kunnen via AnyDesk externe toegang tot uw pc aanvragen. Met AnyDesk Enterprise kunt u een zelfstandig privé-netwerk opzetten dat uw gegevens volledig afschermt, terwijl u gebruik maakt van externe Windows-desktops.

De Anydesk remote desktop Software voor Windows is aangepast aan de nieuwste Windows-apparaten en is ook te gebruiken met eerdere Windows-versies.

AnyDesk voor de Windows 10 Desktop is licht ontworpen en kan daarom snel en veilig gedownload worden en zo kunt u ook meteen beginnen met het op afstand besturen van Microsoft apparaten.

Updates van AnyDesk voor Windows 10 remote desktops komen continu en zijn gratis.

Version 6.1.0

8 dec. 2020

  • Revised various user interface elements:
    Revised favorites and recent session lists. Revised session recording settings.
  • Better interaction with system clipboard:
    Address Book, Auto-Discovery, Favorites and Recent Sessions now interact with the system clipboard.
  • Added new options for sessions:
    Added option to limit number of incoming/outgoing sessions. Added option to automatically disconnect incoming sessions when inactive.
  • Added new options to enhance usage:
    Added option to follow remote window focus. Added display option to preserve details when encoding image. Added option to keyboard menu to send special Android keys.
  • One time password check improvement:
    Improved one time password checks in two factor authentication.
  • Fixed crashes in various situations:
    Fixed crash when requesting elevation. Fixed crash in session player when skipping to the beginning of a recording. Fixed crash caused by invalid thumbnails when searching for addresses. Fixed crash when updating Windows Group Policies.
  • Fixed bugs related to sessions:
    Fixed bug that caused keyboard mode to be reset every session. Fixed bug that caused sessions settings for remote cursor to not save correctly. Fixed bug that caused empty session recordings to be created. Fixed rare bug that caused settings configured via Group Policies to not work correctly.
  • Fixed bug related to language selection:
    Fixed language detection for some asian languages. Fixed language selection on Windows XP.
  • Bugfixes:
    Fixed a couple of small bugs.
Version 6.0.8

1 sep. 2020

  • Improved iOS support:
    Support for improved connections to iOS devices.
  • Bugfixes:
    Fixed a couple of small bugs.
Version 6.0.7

28 jul. 2020

  • AnyDesk closes immediately after start:
    Fixed bug that could cause AnyDesk to close immediately after starting.
  • Bugfixes:
    Fixed a couple of small bugs.
Version 6.0.6

21 jul. 2020

  • Adress Book bugfixes:
    Fixed crash in Address Book. Fixed renaming of Address Book entries.
  • Bugfixes:
    Fixed a couple of small bugs.
Version 6.0.5

10 jul. 2020

  • Languages support:
    Updated translations for various languages.
  • Address Book:
    Made the Address Book open on startup again.
  • Bugfixes:
    Fixed a couple of small bugs.
Version 6.0.0

25 jun. 2020

  • Two-Factor Authentication:
    When enabled, an additional dialog will be shown after authentication by password or token, requesting a time-based one-time password provided by a third device. This feature requires an app supporting TOTP.
  • Wake-on-Lan:
    When enabled, devices running AnyDesk that are currently in sleep mode can be woken up by other AnyDesk devices in the same local network.
  • Windows Group Policies:
    AnyDesk now checks the Windows Registry for settings provided via Windows Domain Group Policies. This can only be disabled on Custom Clients.
  • Multiple password for Unattented Access:
    Unattended Access now allows the setup of multiple secondary passwords. Each of the password can be bound to different permissions. This feature requires the use of Windows Group Policies.
  • Flexible Session Recordings:
    Session Recordings can now be started and stopped at any time.
  • Interactive Access improvement:
    Immediately installing AnyDesk now allows to connect to that Desk directly from the beginning.
  • User interface improvements:
    User interface has been updated and now also allows to hide the sidebar on the left and the Remote Desk box.
  • Security improvement:
    AnyDesk now supports Perfect Forward Secrecy to strengthen its already strong security for data transfer.
  • Remote printing improvement:
    AnyDesk now allows to pring local files on the remote computer.
  • Multi-monitor suppport:
    Hotkeys can now be used to switch between the remote monitors. Hotkey combination Ctrl+Alt+Shift+left/right to iterate monitors. Hotkey combination Ctrl+Alt+Shift+numpad_number to switch to a specific monitor.
  • Improved installation process:
    Reduced the amount of UAC dialogs shown during installation of different components of AnyDesk.
  • Language support:
    Updated translations for various languages.
  • Remote printing in Windows 7:
    Fixed a remote printing in Windows 7.
  • Bugfixes:
    Fixed a lot of small bugs.
Version 5.5.3

9 apr. 2020

  • Bugfix:
    Fixed a timer duration exceeding integer boundaries.
Version 5.5.2

3 apr. 2020

  • Error handling:
    Improved error handling.
  • Custom client:
    Fixed Privacy Mode for Custom Clients.
  • Bugfixes:
    Fixed a couple of small bugs.
Version 5.5.0

11 mrt. 2020

  • Invitation link in main view:
    Reintroduced the invitation link in the main view. This feature requires a properly set up default mail client to work.
  • Send support information feature:
    The link 'Send Support Information..' on the page 'About AnyDesk' in the settings now tries to create an e-mail. This feature requires a properly set up default mail client to work.
  • Settings page:
    Added an option to set up an Alias on the UI settings page.
  • Incoming session new feature:
    The backend user can now accept an incoming session request and immediately request elevation.
  • Discovery feature security:
    Significantly improved security of Discovery feature.
  • Session UI improvement:
    The toolbar can now be hidden during a session via the session tab menu. The remote activity indicators can now be de-/activated by clicking on them.
  • File Manager:
    The File Manager enabled file upload even though it was disallowed. An additional monitor appeared on opening the File Manager.
  • Custom client:
    Custom Clients may have cut ID and Alias in a list view. Custom Clients allowing only incoming sessions did not support Remote Restart.
  • Service:
    Fixed a deadlock in the service making it unresponsive to session requests. Fixed a crash in the service when connecting to multiple IDs at once.
  • Bugfixes:
    Fixed couple of small bugs and occasional crashes.
Version 5.4.2

18 dec. 2019

  • Bugfixes:
    Fixed some minor bugs.
Version 5.4.0

21 nov. 2019

  • New Privacy feature for Windows 8 and 10:
    Enabling privacy mode during a session will turn off the monitor on the remote side so the screen content is hidden.
  • Seeking in session player:
    Session player can now jump into specific point in time.
  • Address Book usability:
    Address Book items offer to create TCP tunnel.
  • File Manager:
    File Manager address field now handles Enter key properly and shows remote folder content after switching sides.
  • Bugfixes:
    Fixed automatic registration of aliases in custom namespaces and couple of other small bugs.
Version 5.3.3

1 okt. 2019

  • Usability:
    Address field is now in focus upon window start.
  • Android compatibility:
    Added support for Android special keys.
  • Translations:
    Translations have been updated.
  • Bugfixes:
    Fixed couple of small bugs.
Version 5.3.2

9 sep. 2019

  • New set of permissions used during unattended access:
    New permissions must be enabled and will used in case session has been started using password or token.
  • Performance and Usability:
    Improved performance and usability of the new user interface.
  • Bugfixes:
    Fixed a couple of small bugs.
Version 5.2.2

Anydesk App

12 jul. 2019

  • Discovered clients in search:
    Discovered clients can be searched for now by using user name, Alias, client ID, machine name and operating system.
  • Bugfixes:
    Fixed a couple of small bugs.
Version 5.2.1

7 jun. 2019

  • Bugfixes:
    Fixed a couple of small bugs.
Version 5.2.0

6 jun. 2019

  • Custom Client Layout:
    Added a new minimalistic layout for customer generated clients that only support incoming connections.
  • Bugfixes:
    Fixed a couple of small bugs.
Version 5.1.2

27 mei 2019

Anydesk Com Download Free Youtube Downloader

  • Bugfixes:
    Fixed a crash when AnyDesk could not find a preview image.
  • Welcome Panel:
    Changed images for welcome panel.
Version 5.1.1

23 mei 2019

  • Bugfixes:
    Fixed a few major and minor bugs.
  • Usability:
    A couple small usability improvements.
Version 5.1.0

15 mei 2019

  • TCP Tunnels:
    Added TCP Tunneling (or Port-Forwarding) for running sessions.
  • Bugfixes:
    Fixed many major and minor bugs.
  • Performance and Usability:
    Improved performance and usability of the new user interface.
  • Translations:
    Improved translations.
Version 5.0.5

12 apr. 2019

  • Bugfixes:
    Fixed several bugs that occasionally lead to crashes and freezes.
  • Installer:
    Progressbar for the installer.
  • Translations:
    Updated polish translations.
  • Welcome Tab:
    Updated the welcome tab.
Version 5.0.4

8 apr. 2019

  • Bugfixes:
    Stability improvements and fixed default audio record settings.
Version 5.0.3

5 apr. 2019

  • Bugfixes:
    Fixed many minor bugs.
  • Updated translations:
    Updated translations for Chinese, Portuguese, French and Russian.
Version 5.0.2

4 apr. 2019

  • Address Book:
    Fixed a few minor bugs in the Address Book.
  • Command Line:
    Security improvements regarding blocking outgoing sessions.
  • Auto Discovery:
    Start Auto-Discovery automatically when AnyDesk is installed.
  • Address Book:
    Added the right click menu.
Version 5.0.1

29 mrt. 2019

  • User Interface:
    Small improvements of the new user interface.
  • Stability:
    Fixed a rare case that can cause AnyDesk to not respond or crash.
  • Connection Trace:
    Tracefile was sometimes not stored correctly when AnyDesk is installed.
Version 5.0.0

27 mrt. 2019

  • NEW User Interface:
    Completely new and modern design for AnyDesk with many usability improvements.
  • Address book:
    Greatly improved address book with drag & drop and better handling.
  • Remote Printing:
    Support for remote printing on Windows 7, 8 and 10.
  • Auto Discovery:
    New feature that allows AnyDesk to find other clients inside your local network.
  • Remote Cursor:
    Fixed bugs relating to the remote cursor and fullscreen mode.
  • Stability:
    Fixed several bugs that can lead to crashes in special situations.
  • Localization:
    Updated translations.

Door AnyDesk te downloaden en te gebruiken accepteert u onze licentieovereenkomst en onze privacyverklaring.

Overweeg onze enquête in te vullen om ons te helpen AnyDesk nog beter te maken!

Als de download niet automatisch start, klik dan op de download-link hieronder.

Ga aan de slag met AnyDesk in 3 stappen:

Dubbelklik op de gedownloade AnyDesk-file en AnyDesk zal onmiddellijk opstarten.

Voer de ID of Alias van het externe apparaat in het veld onder 'Extern bureaublad' in.

Klik op de groene 'Verbinden'-knop en geniet van onze snelle en eenvoudige remote-software-oplossing.

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